“Break the Prevalence, End the Violence: Protecting Children, Creating a Safe Philippines."

 Such is the 2024 National Children's Month theme "Break the Prevalence, End the Violence: Protecting Children, Creating a Safe Philippines"-a strong call to serve an urgent call for concern regarding children in the Philippines who are being abused and harmed. This theme strikes true urgency in eradicating the continuing prevalence of violence against children, thereby strengthening one's sense of collective responsibility by making society more child-friendly in which children could grow, develop, and thrive safely.

Break the Prevalence" strikes a response and prevention of the systemic and widespread nature of violence against children. This may in the form of physical, emotional, sexual abuse, neglect, and exploitation which have remained prevalent amongst many children in the country. The theme does not simply enforce the laws but challenges the existing systems and structures by instilling cultural or social change that involves the interest of the child's well-being. 

The call by "End the Violence" for intervention measures that would clearly put an end to child abuse and violence does not exclude strengthening protections machinery through new or strengthened legal provisions, police force, or social services. It also focuses on awareness creation and education towards rights of children and consequences of violence and support for victims and their families at every stage of recovery and healing. 

Lastly, "Creating a Safe Philippines" would mean, at its core, having a safety net to provide children with growth opportunities that would not risk them; whether that is a safe place at home, school, or community contexts. This can be reached at different levels-from policy changes to advocate only for better health care programs that relate only to mental well-being-to making child-sensitive policies both in the public and private spheres. The development of safety ensures that each child receives his rightful education, health, and environment to allow him or her to reach full potential. 

All in all, this theme must challenge every sector to make child protection everybody's business so that each child, regardless of background, would be provided with the chance to enjoy life free from violence and fear. Rather than a measure to prevent immediate harm, it also creates the culture of respecting these children as having dignity and rights by making their safety integral to national development as well.


Republic Act No. 7610 (Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation, and Discrimination Act)

Retrieved from: https://www.officialgazette.gov.ph/1992/06/17/republic-act-no-7610/

United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)

Retrieved from: https://www.ohchr.org/en/instruments-mechanisms/instruments/convention-rights-child

Philippine Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)

Retrieved from: https://www.dswd.gov.ph/

Child Protection Network Foundation

Retrieved from: https://www.cpn.org.ph/


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