Christmas Holidays is a Special Day
The Christmas Holidays are what we look forward to the most. This is my favorite holiday because apart from the birth of our Lord Jesus, we also feel the true joy and giving that symbolizes the true spirit of Christmas. So since the beginning of our Christmas holidays, I have not wasted it and missed it. I guarantee I will enjoy it.
On the day of Dec. 21 - Dec. 23, 2024, we left our home early to travel to my Grandmother who is in La Union to visit because we haven't seen each other in a long time. When I gave him my gift, he also gave me her gift. December 23, 2024, we woke up early to say goodbye to our Grandma because we were going home. On the Day of Dec. 24, 2024, I opened my gift for my parents and siblings to put in my gift box to give them tonight noche buena. This evening I have prepared myself because my families and I are going to church to attend church and after that we are helping to prepare and cook our Noche Buena later. On the Day of Dec. 25, 2024, we went to Vigan to celebrate Christmas and our family reunion. On the Day of Dec. 26, 2024, we went to my aunt's home because this Day is their fiesta and we had a party as well on Dec. 31, 2024. Last night of Dec. 31, 2024, I helped mom and sister prepare and cook our New Year's party. And in Jan. 01, 2025, my family and I went to the sea early to bathe and then went to church.
For me, Christmas holidays are one of the most memorable and fun vacations. This is special to me because during the Christmas holidays, we get to spend more time together and bond as a whole family. Overall, it is important for every person to relax and stop thinking about other things. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Christmas Holiday Experience. Personal Experience.
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